Monday, October 27, 2008

Just 'whois' Barack Obama

The time is running down, the fast and furious fight for the White House is upon us. Any self respecting political junkie is now typing, calling, eating and disseminating politics. Families are divided, marriages in trouble and parent, spouses or children are living in motel rooms till the election is over.

Nah, ain't all that bad for some.

I don't understand it, why would otherwise intelligent people vote for Barack Obama. As the link of my title shows, this man is a confirmed communist, known to be so by his piers and party, and they 'don't care'. This in it self is scary. BHO has views on the constitution of the United States puts him at direct odds with it, and as shown to me by blogger Guns'n'religion, he will also end up Commander and Chief of our Brigade Combat Team, basically our Homeland Security Army.

I add to this the Creed I was raised by, "You are known by the company you keep",... and well, BHOs friends, acquaintances and religious teachers are all at odds with every thing he says, and who I want for President. To listen to Biden and Barry today, they are centrist moderates that,.. dang, but by the letter after their names, would be republicans,... you betcha. NOT!

BULL, just bull, O'Biden and O'Bama are what they have always been, liberals of near communist proportions. I find it odd that Democrats move to the right to get elected as their 'actual' leanings are so far from the main stream of our society. It is not that they are anti-American, I would never say that, just that their plans for my country aren't mine. I question their judgement, not their patriotism.

1 comment:

  1. whats up my brother, did you start your pigmentation yet???
