Tuesday, January 6, 2009

Happy New Year, (or) 'How ignat 'r' ya'

Its here, and for all the blessed and cursed,.. awe shit,.. for all the good and bad in the world, somehow people think a different result will occur from the same old shit,.. called an election by media, knowledge without facts and 'newspeak'

Yeah, that is it,.. my new job is more of the same, pay rate is close though less, and yet I believe I'll achive a different result and increased enjoyment,.. have to think like that cause 'depression hurts'! To quote a co-worker, "How ignat 'r' ya?",.. kind of sums the new year up.

For all the hoopla and election freenzy, same raw deal again. Don't like the result of the election in some cold heartless state up north, heck with the vote, sue the people in the courts and contest the results untill everyone is so fed up with you they "Give you" the office, just to place you in indifference with a federal handout called a paycheck. Yep, sums up the value of the election,.. just another puppet.

I've got to say I'm okay with Obama, no more than that, I'm sure he'll do fine, the powers that picked Bush 1 & 2, Clinton and even Jimmy Carter, picked and placed this puppet and ,... I'm glad he beat my guy,.. cause just thinking of McCain and Palin there in the white house, fightin' with the puppet master like the Kennedy of old,.. gives me the heebie jeebies,.. what was I thinkin'?

I can see it now, McCain would be 'crossing the aisle' with a fully reformist cabinet, a war hero for homie-land security, Clinton for secratary of state,.. oh,.. and then Liberman for some God Fearing post like Chief of Staff,.. or just as kitchen help,.. and then he'd like to see closer ties with Vietnam or some such nonsense.

AND Palin!!! Mercy, imagine the Christmas Holiday,.. the 'New Grandchild',.. or how about that wardrobe,..

..and assisting the poor would revert to "Our Christian Charity", better known as a "Federal Tax Deduction",.. and just like our being a 'Concerned and giving' country, most lie about the size of the "Charity Ammount", just look at the receipts for donated clothing and 'used' furniture.

How much for that 'Obama 08 T shirt'?

Ahhhhhh, one more cup of joe and I think I'll relax and actually watch the television before bed,..

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