Thursday, February 5, 2009


I was thinking about the financial crisis and the 'Bull Shit' stimulus proposal which is as Rush Limbaugh stated and named as just 'pork-u-lous'. I understand it's the realty,,.. reality (what a difference an 'I' makes, and isn't that how we went broke cause the 'I' was missing,.. er being held unresponsible, unaccountable and asking for a 'bailout') we are going to be burdened by the miss deads of prior generations and administrations.

But the idea that we stick our children, grandchildren and greater grand children with the bill for what we could easily do without and correct on our own is a statement of who our "New Leader" really is.

It's time I think that 'we the people' let him know he's okay taking it easy, finding his way being the new 'leader of the free world', and that nothing is free other than the air we breathe, (until he taxes it),.. oh Al Gore is already showing him how....

I understand as a union carpenter that the apprenticeship progam takes four years training and work experience prior to become adept, adapt, enept or inept,... comfortable at your trade and being capable as 'journeyman carpenter', therfore, Baby bear Barack, will be ready next time the liberals vote him in,.. 'I' hope.

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