Wednesday, November 26, 2008

2008 vs. 1984

Proles, your name inspired some research and recollection of 1980's, thank you. Though you may be of the outer party mocking us proles, it matters not. For I am a prole, the working class with a....

Ah, I can see it now, soon our "Ministry of Love" will take over a Guantanamo, the newly formed "Ministry of Peace", will begin the end of conflict, even if it requires a bigger war to attain economic balance,.. er,..peace.

What brings this up that with the ever increasing unemployment, here in the United States where real numbers suggest over ten percent currently in Texas, and in the rust belt to twelve percent and higher,.. though the 'official' number is just five to six percent, and 'slightly' higher.

How is China doing? The number of people make even low unemployment percentages devastating, how to maintain control becomes the real issue. Just as in Orwells book;...that the motivation of the Inner Party is not to achieve a future paradise but to retain power, which has become an end in itself.

And the ever shifting alliances maintained an ever existing war, not for property or control, but to maintain the economic engine while controlling the population numbers through patriotism and war.

In my short lifetime since 1954 we've (U.S.) warred with China through Vietnam and Korea, then been friends in economic boons. Been in a cold war with Russia and allied in the UN. We've sided with Iran to only now wonder about Iran, Set up Qaddafi to take him down, the same with Saddam. Noriega comes to mind as well.

The "Ministry of Peace" at work.

And soon to be passed here is the "Fairness Doctrine", where freedom of speech is taken away for 'fairness'. Any 'right wing' publication and news letter, radio show or broadcast will be "Required" to be fair,.. but who makes that decision?
Maybe the new "Ministry of Fairness"

just words.....

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