Saturday, November 1, 2008

Obama Media Mania

Not so sure if his attempt at dirision will work, read first thing this morning how McCain voters don't even need to vote, its over. What kind of sad media reporting is that, the only races being played out is not the presidential race. We have highly contested seats in congress, bonds and liquor/road/police issues being on the ballot.

I am finding more wrong with this whole election, not just Obama or McCain, but the strong feeling 'We The People' are being sold a bill of goods. The over the top 'selling and marketing' of the presidential office like it is product to be used to control us. A marketing tool is being displayed out on how much crap will the people actually believe, how many changes in policies and taxes can be thrown before us where we know less now than in the beginning on where either stand, on all but one or two items.

We know the pro-lifer, we know the pro-deather, we know the Alaskian, the Delaware and the Arizona and the Illinois. Tax plans have changed and grown, shrank and from high of 250 thousand to the low of 42 thousand will be effected and every one inbetween, beyond and before those ammounts. Big whoop.
The change man Obama has all of the existing and prior cabinet and bankers of yore, including the same foriegn relations committee chairman as his runnnig mate. Change my ass, just change from the same of one party to the same of the other.

Obama people cheery and bright in the streets, to others they look like the buyers of a lemon, but don't know it till the thirty day no exchange period is over.

just words, just speeches

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